Forums - (MvC2) Another Magneto Thread ! Show all 99 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- (MvC2) Another Magneto Thread ! ( Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:02:2001 04:36 PM: (MvC2) Another Magneto Thread ! Hi all , I know there are many magneto threads around here , but sometimes appears to be far away from the first page. So this thread is to refresh those Magneto combos ,some strategies and to answer any questions about Mag. I know that yet , many people out there have doubts in somo mag combos and its timings . So any doubt or difficulties plzz post here. And feel free to add new combos too. -anti- Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:02:2001 06:32 PM: Hey wazup with Mag players ? Posted by katraqueyous on 12:02:2001 07:38 PM: im a Mag player, and I dunno what to talk about, so this is pointless. *jumps over fence and runs out of thread to a good one* Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:02:2001 07:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by katraqueyous im a Mag player, and I dunno what to talk about, so this is pointless. *jumps over fence and runs out of thread to a good one* Ohh well , I only wanted to help , ill wait a little more for some posts. Posted by Ping on 12:02:2001 11:09 PM: If people wanted Magneto strategies, then wouldn't it just be smarter for them to use the "search" to find them? Some people on SRK complain about how they see the same topics over and over. Here's a question- Can you roll from a,,"OTG"), c.rk etc? From what I've seen it seems the "OTG" is moreso a juggle, but somewhat counts as an otg (or someting ) causing the c.rk to pop them up and over Mags' head. Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:03:2001 01:43 AM: it is unrollable if done right..... the c.roundhouse will ALWAYS JUGGLE ANY OPPONENT in the AIR if the c.short OTG's (like lets say u hit them with psylocke AAA and they dunt roll and u wait till they hit the ground and then c.short)it hits them as OTG means literally OFF THE GROUND and the c.roundhouse juggles because they are off the ground and in the air... c.roundhosue is the reason why magneto vs BH is so much in favor of Magneto (dont argue with me about using commando and such) .. if BH jumps back and throws his lil demon shit out magnus can wavedah under and c.roundhouse xx super jump cancel and follow up there is supposed to be this exact moment when u hit them with c.short that they cannot roll... but for some reason that doesnt seem right to me... it always seems the c.short juggles them but they never hit the ground... only way to prove this is is by finding a combo that technically has 2 "otg's" for example: in corner: roundhouse throw, c.short JUGGLE NOT OTG c.roundhouse xx hyper grav... c.fierce /\ sj.roundhouse xx Air-dash-df, ad.dn+short->ad.foward \/ /\j.short + psylocke AAA-> j.forward \/ OTG c.short->c.roundhouse xx hyper grav as you can see it may seem there are 2 otgs but in actuality there is only one... so it follows the rule of only one OTG per combo ill have to test this out later... im not a magnus player at all ne one is free to clarify Posted by GeekBoy on 12:03:2001 04:33 AM: You gotta cancel from the c.RH to the superjump same way like IM infinite starter? Reverse tigerknee the superjump? Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:03:2001 04:43 AM: u super jump cancel the c.roundhouse just like any crouching attack, including iron man c.strong setup... let the stick hit neutral and super jump again... not necessarily tiger knee also u can setup the super jump infinite off of any juggling c.roundhouse.. just super jump cancel and start the infinite... or even do after the super jump cancel sj.roundhouse xx air-dash-df ad.short->ad.forward \/ start infinite Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:03:2001 05:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ping Here's a question- Can you roll from a,,"OTG"), c.rk etc? The answer is : No if its perform at correct time . To test and practice this , go to : training mode , dummy , normal , and save-falls on . Then practice this combo and master it. The combo should go like this : (call psy here) , ,dash , ("otg"), , etc. -anti- Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:03:2001 06:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by KRaZeEKoReaN it is unrollable if done right..... the c.roundhouse will ALWAYS JUGGLE ANY OPPONENT in the AIR if the c.short OTG's (like lets say u hit them with psylocke AAA and they dunt roll and u wait till they hit the ground and then c.short)it hits them as OTG means literally OFF THE GROUND and the c.roundhouse juggles because they are off the ground and in the air... c.roundhosue is the reason why magneto vs BH is so much in favor of Magneto (dont argue with me about using commando and such) .. if BH jumps back and throws his lil demon shit out magnus can wavedah under and c.roundhouse xx super jump cancel and follow up there is supposed to be this exact moment when u hit them with c.short that they cannot roll... but for some reason that doesnt seem right to me... it always seems the c.short juggles them but they never hit the ground... only way to prove this is is by finding a combo that technically has 2 "otg's" for example: in corner: roundhouse throw, c.short JUGGLE NOT OTG c.roundhouse xx hyper grav... c.fierce /\ sj.roundhouse xx Air-dash-df, ad.dn+short->ad.foward \/ /\j.short + psylocke AAA-> j.forward \/ OTG c.short->c.roundhouse xx hyper grav as you can see it may seem there are 2 otgs but in actuality there is only one... so it follows the rule of only one OTG per combo ill have to test this out later... im not a magnus player at all ne one is free to clarify Nice Also you can : grab with hk , dash f , (otq) , xx hyper grav , (call psy) , (otg) , xx hyper grav , etc . In this combo , the first otg is rollable ( but not in corner) , and the second "otq" isnt rollable (if done at correct time). So , try this combo , looks very cool . -anti- Posted by mixup on 12:03:2001 06:11 PM: Anyone have a favorite team{a different one than msp or mss} to use magneto with? creative dammit! Also, has anyone even caught on to the usefulness of magneto's weak attacks? i seriously hope you guys aren't still in the dark... Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:03:2001 06:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup Anyone have a favorite team{a different one than msp or mss} to use magneto with? creative dammit! Also, has anyone even caught on to the usefulness of magneto's weak attacks? i seriously hope you guys aren't still in the dark... I like this teams : mag/cable/capcom mag/storm/ironman(aaa) mag/cable/psy Also try : Mag / ? / T.bonne(Proyec.) With a team like this you can do combos like : (call tbonne) , , launcher , air combo. lot of damage -anti- Posted by Amdabes on 12:03:2001 07:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup Anyone have a favorite team{a different one than msp or mss} to use magneto with? creative dammit! Also, has anyone even caught on to the usefulness of magneto's weak attacks? i seriously hope you guys aren't still in the dark... I've heard of some Washington state guy who beat Ratanna wirh mag/sent-A/cable-B. That's right, sent was on projectile assist. IMO, mag doesn't need sents proj assist to do some major damage, mag can do that by himself. But if that team beat Ratanna, it has to be a Mag team to be considered. Posted by G.Bonne on 12:03:2001 09:05 PM: I think Magnus goes well with CapCom. cuz magnus is soo fast that he doent need an assist to cross over cuz hes so fast and If you need to act on defence you have Capcom. He needs no one to do damage...I admire Mag player who start combos without psylocke thats so pussy Goog Mag users dont need a AAA to beat you.Magnus can OCV you WITHOUT AN AAA. thats a GOOOD Magnus player. those are my 2 cents. Posted by Mr. E on 12:03:2001 09:46 PM: um, mag + psy is good because you avoid using mag's launcher, which is fairly crappy. Also, mag's has more reset options with psy, making her a bit more combo friendly. okay, here's my cute little corner throw mag/sent/psy combo: in corner : throw,, call sent, c.rh, sent drones hit, pause, throw back into corner,, c.rh xx grav, standing roundhouse+psy aaa xx grav, launch, pause, sj, fierce throw into corner, falling,, rejump,, psy, xx tempest. three throws in one combo, and it works! does 100% on most characters. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 12:03:2001 10:08 PM: antinewbie challenge me im the truenewbie here so sucio es chavando loco nice thread!!!!!!!! Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:04:2001 02:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E um, mag + psy is good because you avoid using mag's launcher, which is fairly crappy. Also, mag's has more reset options with psy, making her a bit more combo friendly. okay, here's my cute little corner throw mag/sent/psy combo: in corner : throw,, call sent, c.rh, sent drones hit, pause, throw back into corner,, c.rh xx grav, standing roundhouse+psy aaa xx grav, launch, pause, sj, fierce throw into corner, falling,, rejump,, psy, xx tempest. three throws in one combo, and it works! does 100% on most characters. Nice one , but can u explain in detail the part of : sent drones hit, pause, throw back into corner ??? . Because I tried this combo , and it looks a little confusing in this part . -anti- Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:04:2001 03:05 AM: asfda Hahaha... Antinewbie812, you got that Magneto's roll-out-of infinite already? But I don't think you have mastered every single infinite combo of magneto! I could say that I have mastered every single combo or even infinite after a long-time-practice... In fact I have been practicing magneto for a whole year already. But axcept that stupid infinite, which is pointless but looks really cool... That stupid ifinite is done like: dashdown forward then lk, lk and repeat, this damn infinite I really not to be able to pull it off, damn fucking hard to do, if you do please tell! Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:04:2001 03:30 AM: Re: asfda quote: Originally posted by kenryuakuma Hahaha... Antinewbie812, you got that Magneto's roll-out-of infinite already? But I don't think you have mastered every single infinite combo of magneto! I could say that I have mastered every single combo or even infinite after a long-time-practice... In fact I have been practicing magneto for a whole year already. But axcept that stupid infinite, which is pointless but looks really cool... That stupid ifinite is done like: dashdown forward then lk, lk and repeat, this damn infinite I really not to be able to pull it off, damn fucking hard to do, if you do please tell! I posted how to do it in another thread , so ill do a copy paste : The infinite isnt very hard to do , but its hard to learn at first time . The thing that makes this infinite difficult is the lk dash lk down . This move have to be perform really fast . The tip is to put your two fingers in lp and hp and slide them to lk (fast) and then lk again . The combo goes like this : launcher ,sj hk , dash down forward , lk , lk , land , then sj lk ( little pause ) then dash down forward ( keep holding down and here do the slide part ) lk down , lk , repeat . If you want , u can tap two lk before the dash down forward, but its not really necessary . Just remember to slide the fingers to lk after dash and to hold down after that . If still u have doubts , post again and Ill help . -anti- Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:04:2001 05:31 AM: kenryuakuma... i seriously dont think u have mastered anything from magneto.... ive read several of ur posts and u never get nething ppl tell u... and ud always complain about how ppl wouldnt tell u the crouch cancel infinite becuz its useless and when even ppl did... ud complain bout how its not specific enuff i dunt think u have room to say uve mastered every combo and such becuz the fact is... u havent Posted by S3nTiN3L on 12:04:2001 05:45 AM: uhh thats like his easyest infinit on sent it took me like ohh 15-30 min to get down and on char. higher than cable (the big boys) i took me like ohh 1 hr 30 min. i think his corner,dash in,C.LK,C.HP,Sj,HK,DASH DF,HP,HK,land,C.LK,C.HKxxx superjump repeat is waayyyy harder to do ive only done it a couple of times and not too consistant (20-30 hits) Posted by ThE CRoW on 12:04:2001 05:49 AM: .. just for the sake of it, wat are exactly his infinites, so far i only know two things on mags, his basic tempest combo, and his unrollable with psy assist, plus one air dash combo which isnt very long so in truth i am the only real newbie, can u guys help me with anything concerning mags? ie, long combos, infinites, and does anyone have problems with crouch cancelling? is it like this?, down up, dash df, cuz i cant get that to work ( and no this isnt a joke ) Posted by CAMM740106 on 12:04:2001 01:17 PM: aha! u cant beat me in newbie-ness im so0pa fresh of boat newbie!!!! yeah!!! i use mag but then again i dunno enithing so i basically try to fluke out the tempest combo, which i cant... DAMN! enione wanna tell me the basic combos etc and how to win by eni chance...ive finished the game once and i havnt learnt much... my team is 1)Cammy 2) Magneto 3)Cable/Psylocke if it helps at all... ken: Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:04:2001 08:04 PM: CAMM740106 and ThE CRoW : Ok , here are some useful combos to start with : 1)launcher , , dash down forward , , , land , xx Shock Wave . 2)launcher , , dash down forward , , , land (call psylocke) , , , Tempest . In combo #1 , who likes to play with Cammy aaa , you can do a: +(call cammy) , xx Shokck Wave .Im not adding here combos like : hyper grav xx Tempesr because I think you guys know its mashable . But in some long combos , the hyper grav is very useful like this ones : 3)dash , (call psy) , , (otg) , xx hyper grav , launcher , air combo . 4)throw with hk to corner , dash , (otg) , xx hyper grav , xx Shock Wave. In #3 , the launcher after the hyper grav comes very quik , so the opponent cannot mash it easily ( almost imposible ) . Here is a more difficult combo (100% damage) : 5){opponent in corner} launcher , , dash down forward , sj.hp , , land , c.lp ,jump, j.lp , , , , j.hp , , land , sj grab with hk , lk , lk , land , sj , air combo . This combo was done by ROM in one of his matches vs LM . Looks very hard at first time , but it isnt at all. Ill post later more long combos and some infinites. I hope this helps. -anti- Posted by ThE CRoW on 12:04:2001 08:30 PM: .. and u call urself a newbie.. for shame, nah but really tnx man i just need to practice all of this, oh and how do u guys tri jump, i know how but, most of the times i still end up in front of him, do i have to do it real close,? tnx Posted by orochi_shin on 12:05:2001 12:35 AM: Sooooooooooo! anti now you making threads?! Lol! Cool man! I got yer back covered if ya need any help. Hey man you gotta post some of our matches and some combos that we do. Posted by GeekBoy on 12:05:2001 01:05 AM: (In Corner): c.LK + Psylocke, c.LK, c.LK, c.RH XX Hyper Grav, c.FP, sj.RH, dash DF, j.LK, j.LK, land, superjump K throw, j.LK + Psylocke, j.LK XX Tempest. You can do the part up to the throw midscreen. Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:05:2001 01:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by orochi_shin Sooooooooooo! anti now you making threads?! Lol! Cool man! I got yer back covered if ya need any help. Hey man you gotta post some of our matches and some combos that we do. Thanks man Here is the famous orochicombo : + (call Psylocke) , , (otg) , xx hyper grab , launcher , , dash down forward , lk ,lk , land , dash forward (cross over) , (call psylocke) , , etc . This is a reset combo because the part of the cross over comes very fast and it deceive the opponent. In other words , the opponent will be bloking the wrong side( almost always ) . You can repeat this moves over and over again alternating the side of attack (back , back , front , back , randomly). But this combo have some defects because in the part of lk, lk , land ; the opponent have time to do any move like the lk and lp's that stop the combo . Many guys dont know this , but as a "new combo" , it will be very usefull. This is a looks alike reset combo : launcher , , dash down forward , lk ,lk , land , dash forward (cross over) , launcher again , air combo . -anti- Posted by astro86 on 12:05:2001 03:13 AM: Posted by Ping on 12:05:2001 03:52 AM: How's the damage on all these ("OTG"), xx grav combos? I would imagine the damage scaling would cause the damage to get lower and lower, but it's only a guess, since I'm not too good at using Mags. Also, what other combos do you suggest to use with Mags? I mean, unless done correctly ( juggle, not OTG), these combos could be rolled from. Posted by KC0173 on 12:05:2001 04:11 AM: i just started practicing with mags again last night, and i am finally able to do throws in my combos (most of the times). i need more. the only i can think of last night was this: Mag/Storm/Psy Mag/Sent/Psy some stuff before....then launch, sj.roundhouse, airdash df, ad short, ad forward, jump short + psy, forward, roundhouse, land OTG c.short, c.rh XX hypergrav, launch, sj. jab, short, strong, AD F, fierce throw XX Magtemp (whiff) XX HSF or Hailstorm then do whatever. any other ones out their that i should know about that are useful both corner and midscreen? thanks Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:05:2001 05:22 AM: ok antinewbies lets get somethign straight ur lil shit on the so called orochicombo..... ummmm 1) its not a combo 2) its not his plz .... for all we know ur lil friend watched a burbank tape with SooMighty in it and got the mag/psylocke mixup (WHICH IS REAL OLD.. GOD DAMN CROSSUP MIXUPS THROW MIXUPS ETC HAVE EXISTED FOR A LONG ASS TIME) o plz... juss stop seriously..... im sick of ppl puttin their names or assignin names to shit like combos and teams (it disgusts me) as for more in-depth analysis of the mag/psy AAA mixup THIS IS THE SETUP some setup into a launcher /\ sj.roundhouse xx airdash-df,ad.dn+short->a.d.forward \/ after this u have 4 viable options 1)dash under the opponent and do c.short + psy AAA -> c.forward, psy hits, c.short blah blah hyper grav 2)triangle jump and croossup with roundhouse and then land and do ur normal shit into hyper grav 3)do not change sides and do ur shit into hyper grav 4)do not change sides and throw as you can see.... this is much more viable than ur lil orochi crap of alternating sides becuz now it reallie mixes up the opponent a good pattern to follow is: #1, setup #1 again, setup #2, setup #3, setup go from there ok so u start the setup u land and do option 1... u switch sides on them and hit them with ur c.short blah blah into ur hyper grav... u launch do the setup again... do #1 again rinse and repeat... now they think u might change sides so they block low but WRONG... u switch sides alright but they block low and u hit them high and u continue then u do the setup... stay on the same side and they are reallie confused ALSO u mentioned that they can jab and short on the way down from the setup but if u do it RIGHT they shouldnt hit u (not correct for #3 and #4) lets say ur goign for option 1 and u have the setup and they know it so they jab short on the way down... if u do it right... u should technically not even dash under them.. u should dash and crouch reallie quick this does 2 things 1) keeps u low avoiding attacks coming from falling opponent 2) if done right... the dash crouch has enuff push to still move u to the other side alright im done... sorry for gettin mad... im juss reallie pissed off readin srk forums these days askin how do i do so and so's combo or how do i play so and so's team imo i think that the only true person who should get a team named after himself or herself ^_^ is Duc... if ANY of U went to b4 u would c that he was the only one reppin spiral..... everyone thought spiral was shit until we saw Duc in action... he made spiral what it is today im kind of hesitant to say the same bout justin wong... sure he is definitely the first to pioneer mag/cable/cammy but he juss basically took the idea of mag/cable/AAA and threw in cammy becuz as he says... its a counter team... cammy is invincible AAA and justin plays her like no one else can on point... that goes for all those other teams... i mean im koo with peepz givin nicknames to teams... but namin after ppl is juss dumb... Posted by Mr. E on 12:05:2001 06:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Nice one , but can u explain in detail the part of : sent drones hit, pause, throw back into corner ??? . Because I tried this combo , and it looks a little confusing in this part . -anti- um, okay. throw, + sent gamma, c.roundhouse, sent drones hit. what you want to happen is the drones hit the guy in mid air as he bounces over you from the c.roundhouse juggle. After getting hit by sent drones, people recover fairly quick, and he should be very close to you. So, you just stand there as they hit, after they all hit, pause a split second, right when they recover, you throw them back in the corner, since they'll recover standing. Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:05:2001 04:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by KRaZeEKoReaN ok antinewbies lets get somethign straight ur lil shit on the so called orochicombo..... ummmm 1) its not a combo 2) its not his plz .... for all we know ur lil friend watched a burbank tape with SooMighty in it and got the mag/psylocke mixup (WHICH IS REAL OLD.. GOD DAMN CROSSUP MIXUPS THROW MIXUPS ETC HAVE EXISTED FOR A LONG ASS TIME) o plz... juss stop seriously..... im sick of ppl puttin their names or assignin names to shit like combos and teams (it disgusts me) as for more in-depth analysis of the mag/psy AAA mixup THIS IS THE SETUP some setup into a launcher /\ sj.roundhouse xx airdash-df,ad.dn+short->a.d.forward \/ after this u have 4 viable options 1)dash under the opponent and do c.short + psy AAA -> c.forward, psy hits, c.short blah blah hyper grav 2)triangle jump and croossup with roundhouse and then land and do ur normal shit into hyper grav 3)do not change sides and do ur shit into hyper grav 4)do not change sides and throw as you can see.... this is much more viable than ur lil orochi crap of alternating sides becuz now it reallie mixes up the opponent a good pattern to follow is: #1, setup #1 again, setup #2, setup #3, setup go from there ok so u start the setup u land and do option 1... u switch sides on them and hit them with ur c.short blah blah into ur hyper grav... u launch do the setup again... do #1 again rinse and repeat... now they think u might change sides so they block low but WRONG... u switch sides alright but they block low and u hit them high and u continue then u do the setup... stay on the same side and they are reallie confused ALSO u mentioned that they can jab and short on the way down from the setup but if u do it RIGHT they shouldnt hit u (not correct for #3 and #4) lets say ur goign for option 1 and u have the setup and they know it so they jab short on the way down... if u do it right... u should technically not even dash under them.. u should dash and crouch reallie quick this does 2 things 1) keeps u low avoiding attacks coming from falling opponent 2) if done right... the dash crouch has enuff push to still move u to the other side alright im done... sorry for gettin mad... im juss reallie pissed off readin srk forums these days askin how do i do so and so's combo or how do i play so and so's team imo i think that the only true person who should get a team named after himself or herself ^_^ is Duc... if ANY of U went to b4 u would c that he was the only one reppin spiral..... everyone thought spiral was shit until we saw Duc in action... he made spiral what it is today im kind of hesitant to say the same bout justin wong... sure he is definitely the first to pioneer mag/cable/cammy but he juss basically took the idea of mag/cable/AAA and threw in cammy becuz as he says... its a counter team... cammy is invincible AAA and justin plays her like no one else can on point... that goes for all those other teams... i mean im koo with peepz givin nicknames to teams... but namin after ppl is juss dumb... Well , ok sorry , I think my last post was a bad understood. I was answering the orochi_shin post . I know this combo isnt called orochicombo and I know it isnt a combo , but if you can read the orochi's post , he want me to put some combos that we do in our matches , and this "combo" was so funny for us that he called it the orochicombo here in Puerto Rico (we know he didnt created it ). BTW ,I know that moves are in shadyk's vids and other stuffs. Thats all by now and thx for your details and opinion of the "combo" . -anti- Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:05:2001 09:27 PM: asfda Yes, who said that I was lying... In fact I have really mastered almost every infinite of Magneto! PLEASE TRUST ME. Question for Antinewbie182... The infinite itself goes like this: Superjump+lk then dash-down-forward then lk, lk land and repeat, there isn't any launcher or air dash-down-forward after the launcher. The one that I am asking for help is the one that I listed above... But the one that you listed to me is not neccessary... But your is pretty nice, probably nicer than mine, anyway thanks for the help but please again help me with the one that I'd listed above. Posted by THE_LAW on 12:06:2001 05:34 AM: ok guys heres a question...can msp beat sent/cable/commando? usually in this match up sent just runs away from me...and when i dash in either i get slaped woth firce or i get blasted by commando! and i'm so sceared to call psylock cause one mistake and she gets raped!!! so i msp can beat this team just let me know how, i'm all ears. also what assist or teamates should i use with mag to give him a better chance in this fight aginst a flying runaway sent. thanks. Posted by astro86 on 12:06:2001 05:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by THE_LAW ok guys heres a question...can msp beat sent/cable/commando? usually in this match up sent just runs away from me...and when i dash in either i get slaped woth firce or i get blasted by commando! and i'm so sceared to call psylock cause one mistake and she gets raped!!! so i msp can beat this team just let me know how, i'm all ears. also what assist or teamates should i use with mag to give him a better chance in this fight aginst a flying runaway sent. thanks. Ok try Mag/cable/psy try to get 5 lvls before mag is taken out throw Psy blade only after ur opponent throws commando when u throw her do it when i are abou to Sj throw a radom hyper grav to see if u can catch sent while he is flying if psy isnt working change her with commando and use ur commando to take out the other guys commando i rahter use Storm/cable/cammando agains that team Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:06:2001 06:19 AM: i seriously am sad when people fail to realize a VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE GAME...... SNAPBACKKKKKKKKKKK SNAP COMMANDOS ASS IN PLZ u land one psylock AAA on sent its guaranteed snapback by using c.short->c.roundhouse xx snapback commando by snappin in commando u effectively bring his assist in and have opportunity to as he comes in mix him up or do guard break into combo or infinite... Posted by astro86 on 12:06:2001 06:22 AM: Bg fucking deal a good sent player can still kick ur ass with cable aaa. and whats worse is that u are going to have cable with sent assits. whats going to stop the player form charging 5 levels with cammando so when u kill him cable comes in with 5 lvl's and u psuh block the gaurd break Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:06:2001 06:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 Bg fucking deal a good sent player can still kick ur ass with cable aaa. and whats worse is that u are going to have cable with sent assits. whats going to stop the player form charging 5 levels with cammando so when u kill him cable comes in with 5 lvl's and u psuh block the gaurd break um...... if ur a good mag player u can rape a damn sent with cable AAA i dunt think u seem to understand... u rape commando.... if ur even any good cable wunt get a chance to do shit when he comes in.... even if he push blocks wunt do shit...... plus push blockin a single hit guard break is kinda hard timing wise because u have to know when u come in plus you dont even have to go for a guard break... u can go for a mixup... cable with no AAA against magnus = match in favor of magnus.... Posted by astro86 on 12:06:2001 06:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by KRaZeEKoReaN um...... if ur a good mag player u can rape a damn sent with cable AAA i dunt think u seem to understand... u rape commando.... if ur even any good cable wunt get a chance to do shit when he comes in.... even if he push blocks wunt do shit...... plus push blockin a single hit guard break is kinda hard timing wise because u have to know when u come in plus you dont even have to go for a guard break... u can go for a mixup... cable with no AAA against magnus = match in favor of magnus.... FUCK! i forgot what i was going to post. Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:07:2001 02:49 AM: Re: asfda quote: Originally posted by kenryuakuma Yes, who said that I was lying... In fact I have really mastered almost every infinite of Magneto! PLEASE TRUST ME. Question for Antinewbie182... The infinite itself goes like this: Superjump+lk then dash-down-forward then lk, lk land and repeat, there isn't any launcher or air dash-down-forward after the launcher. The one that I am asking for help is the one that I listed above... But the one that you listed to me is not neccessary... But your is pretty nice, probably nicer than mine, anyway thanks for the help but please again help me with the one that I'd listed above. After launcher , Superjump ,lk then dash-down-forward then lk down, lk land and repeat, theres not more launchers needed to continue the infinite . Just keep repeating {Superjump ,lk then dash-down-forward then lk down, lk, land } . So as you can see, the air dash down forward is needed . Are u still with doubts? -anti- Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:07:2001 03:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by KRaZeEKoReaN um...... if ur a good mag player u can rape a damn sent with cable AAA i dunt think u seem to understand... u rape commando.... if ur even any good cable wunt get a chance to do shit when he comes in.... even if he push blocks wunt do shit...... plus push blockin a single hit guard break is kinda hard timing wise because u have to know when u come in plus you dont even have to go for a guard break... u can go for a mixup... cable with no AAA against magnus = match in favor of magnus.... The team msp have to do a lot of work to kill a sent / cable / capcom. Is hard to say but a msp is a weak team for a sent/cable/psylocke because thats a antimagneto team , almost like watts . The snapback to comando very difficult to do because good sent players will always be in air + calling commando ; and while you try to snapback to commando , he will kill your mag . The strategy here is to take out sent fast before he gain levels for cable . You can do this waiting for him to call comando , and after commando , then you can sj. air dash forward and rushdown . And if you are going to call psy , always do this after capcom assist . Remember that sent is easy to infinite so the j.lp , lk down, mp , mk , land , repeat , can be very effective , also ending in a xx hyper grab , tempest xx storm . Also a simple error vs a team like this , is fatal , so you have to be fast , good accurate and intelligent. And vs Cable , when he try to guard break you , is alomst all the times effective do a air push back . Its more safely for you , believe me . And never never subestimate capcom as a point ; he can be sometimes dangerous at the ends of the matches and is a 1/2 good battery during battles . -anti- Posted by kenryuakuma on 12:07:2001 03:24 AM: kkl;j; Although you are newbie man, you are a lot stronger than me, I just wonder if you have mastered every infinite of Mag.? Oh no, This one is good though, but I am talking about the Japanese one rather than the one you are saying, anyway thanks. Posted by Ping on 12:07:2001 03:33 AM: I'm currently trying out a Mag/IM/Psy team. Any opinion on the assists? Psy is obvious (AAA), but I'm not sure about IM (I use projectile usually) and really wondering about Mags (Projectile or Capture?) because I recall hearing how Mags' Capture is good to set up IM's infinite. Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:07:2001 03:44 AM: Re: kkl;j; quote: Originally posted by kenryuakuma Although you are newbie man, you are a lot stronger than me, I just wonder if you have mastered every infinite of Mag.? Oh no, This one is good though, but I am talking about the Japanese one rather than the one you are saying, anyway thanks. THE INFINITE THAT I ALREADY TOLD YOU IS THE JAPANESE MAG'S INFINITE DUDE !!! dont take this personal Yes , I almost master all the mag's infinites! -anti- Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:07:2001 03:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ping I'm currently trying out a Mag/IM/Psy team. Any opinion on the assists? Psy is obvious (AAA), but I'm not sure about IM (I use projectile usually) and really wondering about Mags (Projectile or Capture?) because I recall hearing how Mags' Capture is good to set up IM's infinite. Mag(proj) / IM (AAA) / PSY (AAA) Why do you want a hyper grab to setup infinite if you have psylocke(AAA) ??? BTW , this team is weak , but fun !! -anti- Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:07:2001 03:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 The team msp have to do a lot of work to kill a sent / cable / capcom. Is hard to say but a msp is a weak team for a sent/cable/psylocke because thats a antimagneto team , almost like watts . The snapback to comando very difficult to do because good sent players will always be in air + calling commando ; and while you try to snapback to commando , he will kill your mag . The strategy here is to take out sent fast before he gain levels for cable . You can do this waiting for him to call comando , and after commando , then you can sj. air dash forward and rushdown . And if you are going to call psy , always do this after capcom assist . Remember that sent is easy to infinite so the j.lp , lk down, mp , mk , land , repeat , can be very effective , also ending in a xx hyper grab , tempest xx storm . Also a simple error vs a team like this , is fatal , so you have to be fast , good accurate and intelligent. And vs Cable , when he try to guard break you , is alomst all the times effective do a air push back . Its more safely for you , believe me . And never never subestimate capcom as a point ; he can be sometimes dangerous at the ends of the matches and is a 1/2 good battery during battles . -anti- i dont know bout u guys but i doubt u r getting EXTREMELY GOOD COMP LIKE SOCAL if u play smart u will ezily snap sentinels ass out.... juss wait for that gay ass capcom AAA to come out and "RUSH THAT SHIT DOWN" like u said... but i think ur views are biased and u r considerin sentinel situations much more get sentinels ass blockin after he throws his commando out and THROW THAT SHIT DOWN... it reallie works... becuz it resets the whole pace of the match in ur favor... either throw... fierce throw- even if they mash u are still in their face... roundhouse throw... if ur in corner... guaranteed snapback.. if not u can mixup becuz if they roll.. u can dash back with them and hit them ... ud be surprised how many ppl fall for it... and yes sentinel is easy to infinite but i wouldnt infinite sentinel ... as u said meter for cable is no good and infinite means not only meter for u or meter for them so snap commandos ass in ASAP... and u say good sentinel will always be in air+commando and while magnus try to snapback he'll kill u.. plz consider the other side, any smart magnus player would not even attempt to go at sentinel flying especially with "the glow" (unfly mode) its retarded and it seems to me like ur considerin the sent player is good and the magnus player isnt.... u mentioned that a simple error for msp would mean death... of course... in fact that is true for ANY TEAM... if sent/cable/commando makes a mistake they are also dead from reset combos... theoretically u can tech hit out of all throws but seriously... in match... only throws u can tech hit out of realistically are roundhouse throws.. by the time u are gettin grabbed in fierce throw.. it is too late and its true never underestimate capcom on point but that is if ur only shitty... wtf is commando gonna do on point against mag/psylocke rushin his shit down... i mean with a slow start up anti-air move and a below average AAA in cable... there is no way ur gonna stop that shit... psychic corridor xx sword juss doesnt work nemore... everyone is so adapted to it now they can predict it from a mile away... only TRUE weapons that commando has that i reallie think should be used more are his sho call (ninja) and roundhouse throw... u will always find one situation where magnus can be thrown... ive thrown magnetos with commandos (juss for da record i never play magneto... i played against it so much i can comment for him...) if there triangle jump misses or is too high.... u cant always juss jump bak fierce and pray that a retarded magnus player would run right into it... c. fierce could be considered becuz of its range and also becuz it can go into corridor xx sword... but still... commando juss doesnt phase magneto.. i think everyone has this stupid misconception that commando can just psychich corridor xx sword juss cuz of valle vs shadyk matches shown on srk... its reallie ridiculous sent/cable/psy??? i dont c where that is better than sent/cable/commando against magneto... all magneto has to do is be a lil bit more careful and if psy is snapped in... she has less weapons than commando does (Sad but true) and u mentioned team watts.... i seriously think that team watts is not as effective against magneto anymore becuz it reallie is a pattern team.. there is no variety too it aginst magneto becuz it always has the same gameplan... i think one major move that maybe u guys arent using but i have seen plenty of is being used against team watts C.ROUNDHOUSE yup that is right... bh jump in back throwin shit... bait that commano assist out... wave dash under blackheart and c.roundhouse his shit... it JUGGGGLES becuz he is in the air and u have too many followups to consider Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:07:2001 04:05 AM: Re: kkl;j; quote: Originally posted by kenryuakuma Although you are newbie man, you are a lot stronger than me, I just wonder if you have mastered every infinite of Mag.? Oh no, This one is good though, but I am talking about the Japanese one rather than the one you are saying, anyway thanks. first of all like i always rant about ...... NO DAMN THING IS JAPANESE IN THIS GAME.... frankly... when u say japanese infinite that doesnt mean anything to me... i saw ur reference to the infinite in a previous point and i know which infinite u r talkin bout lets put it this way PLZ SEE A DOCTOR FOR UR INFINITE OBSESSION... this infinite is not only hard to do .. but seriously its not practical... u really have this obsession with magneto and his infinites and "mastering" them and then questioning ppl's ability with magneto.. juss cuz u master infinites doesnt make u da shit... u go around and question everybody like... well how come u wunt tell me.. haha bet u cant do it and shit like that... look at the post i just quoted... "you are newbie man"... i bet while u sit at ur home mastering infinites at home like a loser with no life he actually goes to an arcade and learns how to play the game... wow u can do every magneto infinite... what do you want .. a cookie?? and then ur always like it looks cool... yeah for combo videos maybe... thats bout it though... i seriously think you need to make a video juss to satisfy and help urself...juss so u can show everyone how good u r wid magneto and ur l33t infinite ability... becuz frankly... u can talk all da shit to ppl u want about how u can do every infinite and they cant ... and they'll juss laugh at u for being the loser u r im sorry i had to flame this guy for anyone else reading this... im juss reallie sick of him questioning everyones ability when he has none of his own (minus his supposeD "ive mastered every infinite for magneto.. look at me guys") i dunt care if the infinite looks cool or anything.. u can go ahead and master ur infinites but PLZ stop bothering ppl and be like have u mastered every magneto infinite becuz i bet a person who couldnt even do a magneto infinite is better than u Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 12:07:2001 04:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Mag(proj) / IM (AAA) / PSY (AAA) Why do you want a hyper grab to setup infinite if you have psylocke(AAA) ??? BTW , this team is weak , but fun !! -anti- IMO i think mag (capture)/ IM (projectile)/ Psy (AAA) works da best (well maybe not ) but definitely the most fun to play juss like u said why use mag capture when u can used psy aaa for infinite setup??.. same applies here... why use IM aaa when u have psy AAA??? IM projectile will help psylocke on point and therefore u wont need magnus projectile i mean definitely magneto capture assist sucks but its seriously its fun doing infinite setups with his assist with IM and u get lots of ooohs and aaaaahs from the crowd as opposed to borin ol psylocke aaa .. after all this game is all bout fun check out teamdan's IM video they have a reallie nasty setup for the infinite using magneto... pretty tite shit that they deserve mad propz for Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:07:2001 04:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by KRaZeEKoReaN IMO i think mag (capture)/ IM (projectile)/ Psy (AAA) works da best (well maybe not ) but definitely the most fun to play juss like u said why use mag capture when u can used psy aaa for infinite setup??.. same applies here... why use IM aaa when u have psy AAA??? IM projectile will help psylocke on point and therefore u wont need magnus projectile i mean definitely magneto capture assist sucks but its seriously its fun doing infinite setups with his assist with IM and u get lots of ooohs and aaaaahs from the crowd as opposed to borin ol psylocke aaa .. after all this game is all bout fun check out teamdan's IM video they have a reallie nasty setup for the infinite using magneto... pretty tite shit that they deserve mad propz for Mmmmm I can see that we 2 never agree in opinions . If i said that sent is a top tier !! waht are you going to say ?? If you say that he isnt (because maybe) , your in troubles . And your posts looks personals against my opinions because you posts over and over again after me . If you have something to say , then answer the questions and add details or something ,but dont counter my opinions -anti- Posted by Shoto-ism™ on 12:07:2001 08:40 PM: So, what are your guys favorite Mag plus assist combos, for style points. NO HYPER GRAV REQUIRED. Mine are....(big guys, and it's easy and does lots of damage) Mag + Psy (AAA), C.HP + assist, SJ. FK, cancel fast as you can into temptest....AND GO ON FROM THERE. - I love how it is none escapable and does goo damage Mag + Doom (AAA) 1.Same as above except in corner. 2. I call this one "rockin good time", but it is escapable :sad: (corner, works on all, I think) + AS, C.RH, xxx into temptest. I haven't done this one in a while it could aslso be C.RK + AS. It does alot of hits and looks sweet. I have alot more, but I am in a hurry. He also has a ton of helper + hyper grav combos. Posted by smacked311 on 12:07:2001 08:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shoto-ism™ So, what are your guys favorite Mag plus assist combos, for style points. NO HYPER GRAV REQUIRED. Mine are....(big guys, and it's easy and does lots of damage) Mag + Psy (AAA), C.HP + assist, SJ. FK, cancel fast as you can into temptest....AND GO ON FROM THERE. - I love how it is none escapable and does goo damage Mag + Doom (AAA) 1.Same as above except in corner. 2. I call this one "rockin good time", but it is escapable :sad: (corner, works on all, I think) + AS, C.RH, xxx into temptest. I haven't done this one in a while it could aslso be C.RK + AS. It does alot of hits and looks sweet. I have alot more, but I am in a hurry. He also has a ton of helper + hyper grav combos. hey dammit i just figured out that and was about to post it! heehee nah that's cool. it's a pretty tight combo, but VERY too sometimes, i get mags facing every which way, so sometimes the tempist is not even direcd at the opponent. Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:08:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shoto-ism™ So, what are your guys favorite Mag plus assist combos, for style points. NO HYPER GRAV REQUIRED. Mine are....(big guys, and it's easy and does lots of damage) Mag + Psy (AAA), C.HP + assist, SJ. FK, cancel fast as you can into temptest....AND GO ON FROM THERE. - I love how it is none escapable and does goo damage Mag + Doom (AAA) 1.Same as above except in corner. 2. I call this one "rockin good time", but it is escapable :sad: (corner, works on all, I think) + AS, C.RH, xxx into temptest. I haven't done this one in a while it could aslso be C.RK + AS. It does alot of hits and looks sweet. I have alot more, but I am in a hurry. He also has a ton of helper + hyper grav combos. Mag / IM (AAA): launcher , , dash down forward , lk , lk ,land + call IM , j.lp , lk , hp , IM hits , Tempest . Its another unmashable and with very good damage. Mag / Spiral (Proj): launcher , , dash down forward , lk , lk ,land , + call spiral xx Skock Wave , spiral hits while dashing with mag , launcher or infinite or another xx Shock Wave. Mag / Storm (Proj): launcher + call storm , , dash down forward , hp , hk , storm hits ,land , (here you can launcher again or , xx hyper grav , launcher ,air combo). Mag / Capcom (AAA) DUH ! #1 , + call capcom , capcom hits (if not rolled) hyper grav , launcher , air combo. #2 launcher + call capcom , sjhk , capcom hits , dash forward up , lp , lk , mp , mk , hyper grav xx tempest or try to do a HP grab in air to the corner and repeat. #3 Hk grab , (otg) , , + call capcom xx Shock Wave. And theres a lot lot more , ill post them later . -anti- Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:11:2001 03:21 AM: Im refreshing this thread , for those that didn't notice about the mag's thread . Keep mag's combos and questions coming ! -anti- Posted by G.Bonne on 12:11:2001 03:37 AM: magneto is a gay fuck. Have you ever seen someone with diapers on top of his pants and dashing so fking fast, even though he's not real but DAMN he's fast. Posted by Shoto-ism™ on 12:17:2001 08:54 PM: Here is another good one I forgot to mention. Mag/IM (AAA) corner:, s.hp + (IM)assist, jump in s.hp (you really need to do this quickly so that you bounce them back in the AAA and the last hit of the IM AAA bounces the opponent toward magneto's sweet spot)cancel immediately, Mag Temp, continue from there with whatever you want. Note: if you did this right you are looking at around 100+ damage, then on top of that you can finish it off with another air combo. I would recommend just go into the basic infinite since they are already near dead. This one is just for fun, but does good damage. Mag/Thanos (Capture type assist)anywhere:, s.Rh (1 hit cancel), + Assist, MT, oTG, and do whatever you want. Note: it is hard as hell to escape the bubble, it hits just as the temp comes out. Posted by mixup on 12:17:2001 09:12 PM: Mag/storm/Spidey Sounds funny i know but man is it hilarious Launch,fk ad df wk,wk,call spidey,fkXXhyper grab works consistently and from there it only gets funnier Also, storms superXXMax spider hurts REALLY bad..try rouge out with magneto also on AAA. I know those assists dont have really priority btw.... Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:20:2001 05:42 AM: Here is a new Mag's infinite!! I did it today!And the infinite can be done against normal size characters and big ones , duh ! down , dash down forward , down , , land , repeat . It can be done in middle screen too! -anti- Posted by CowSquared on 12:20:2001 06:00 AM: New? It seems to be the same as the popular: (launcher), dash df,,, [land], ([manual sj],,, [pause], dash df,, [repeat]). It just seems to be without one of the lks. Or is this just a ground infinite (like the Dhalsim one)? Posted by antinewbies182 on 12:20:2001 06:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by CowSquared New? It seems to be the same as the popular: (launcher), dash df,,, [land], ([manual sj],,, [pause], dash df,, [repeat]). It just seems to be without one of the lks. Or is this just a ground infinite (like the Dhalsim one)? Yes , it is a ground infinite !! Posted by MaceAho on 12:20:2001 10:03 AM: *bump* Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:14:2002 11:08 PM: *buuuuuuump* im back here again Posted by TimeFlip on 03:14:2002 11:46 PM: Just want to say something: D+Fp/\Rk(AD DF)Sk Sk(Land)Rk+Doom AAA, Hyper GravxxTempest Looks pretty tight, and since I've been trying Marrow, I usually cancel into Bone Buster. And I don't know know what do with this: Mags/Marrow Proj D+Fp/\Rk (AD DF)Sk Sk(Land)Rk+Marrow Proj,Shockwave after 1-hit Rk. Posted by Xion on 03:15:2002 01:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Yes , it is a ground infinite !! That sounds like the jap. infinite? Posted by deadly_magneto on 03:15:2002 12:19 PM: i use the team of mag/im/psy and i infinite with im off of magneto projectile assist Posted by deadly_magneto on 03:15:2002 12:25 PM: oh and this team not weak Posted by GeekBoy on 03:15:2002 02:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by deadly_magneto oh and this team not weak But you are KEKEKEKE Posted by RameNoodle on 03:15:2002 03:06 PM: what do you do when your opponent jumps backwards whenever you triangle jump?? whenever this happens my triangle jump gets smacked by a frying pan or something. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:16:2002 04:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Xion That sounds like the jap. infinite? Yeah , almost the same but in ground . Also here is another : down , dash df , lk , lk , land , xx down , repeat And i saw a thread around here about this infinite : (1 hit) xx sj. dash df , lk, lk , land , repeat I think its the hardest mags inf. by now . I did only 4 hits deadly_magneto : that team is weak , believe me . But its a fun team in my opinion. TimeFlip : yeah , that aaa assist make hyper grav unmashable ( like sent ground assist ). RameNoodle : u can change those triangles jumps by : air dashes forward , hp , hk and keep the rushdown . Posted by deadly_magneto on 03:16:2002 05:09 AM: i love when ppl say stuff w/o playing them cause i shut their ass in a real match . cough geekboy cough i heard is weak Posted by MagRush1 on 03:16:2002 11:37 PM: Hey.. I was just wondering about what makes some of mag's infinites better than others. People tell me that this infinite Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (jump up, lp, d+lk, lk) Is less useful than this one Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (Sj, lk, pause, dash d/f XX d+lk, lk) I can do both but I feel like I have more control over the first one. So what makes the second more useful? It is the same amount of hits and damage. Thanx Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:17:2002 02:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagRush1 Hey.. I was just wondering about what makes some of mag's infinites better than others. People tell me that this infinite Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (jump up, lp, d+lk, lk) Is less useful than this one Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (Sj, lk, pause, dash d/f XX d+lk, lk) I can do both but I feel like I have more control over the first one. So what makes the second more useful? It is the same amount of hits and damage. Thanx Thats a good observation . Well i think u can do the one u more practice and u are confortable . I think sj. 1 is best because once u know how to do it , the timing is more easy . The 1st u wrote there , is very hard to keep the combo because the character maybe a little up sometimes and the combo stop many times . The inf' with sj can be done easily in all characters and you are free to continue with a croos over or reset combo because that inf. is faster and you can confuse your opponent easily. Agains big characters is better to do : j. (hold down) magic series , land , repeat . But in my opinion the launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (Sj, lk, pause, dash d/f XX d+lk, lk) is better . Posted by GeekBoy on 03:17:2002 03:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagRush1 Hey.. I was just wondering about what makes some of mag's infinites better than others. People tell me that this infinite Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (jump up, lp, d+lk, lk) Is less useful than this one Launch, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, (Sj, lk, pause, dash d/f XX d+lk, lk) I can do both but I feel like I have more control over the first one. So what makes the second more useful? It is the same amount of hits and damage. Thanx The second one is better you can set it up from almost anything Magneto can do, plus it just looks cooler. Posted by cOdE LL34 on 03:17:2002 04:32 AM: ok here is a simple and very effective 4 hit combo., dash,,,snapback. My strat is to kill their key player ie:cable, or sentinel. very good. Posted by n817azn on 03:17:2002 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by deadly_magneto i use the team of mag/im/psy and i infinite with im off of magneto projectile assist i also use this team alot alot. Heheh, although my main team is mags, cable, and psy now. I still use this team the rest of the time. i also use mags proj. assist for inf. start up too. Now i saw this being discussed earlier, about which assist to use with iron man. This very easily soved... use his anti air assist. First of all you don't want to use an assist that is going to help psy on point, cuz lets face it she is rarely going to be on point unless your other characters die, lol, i mean if you use her on point instead of iron man or mags your crazy cuz her combos don't take off sh*t. Iron mans aaa helps mags infinitely more then his lousy projectile assist. He has numerous combo set-ups with iron mans aaa, and can take off MAJOR damage with it. IM's proj. should be used with other teams, however this team is not one of them. ALWAYS use iron mans aaa when playing this team, it just does not make sense to use his proj. assist with this team. n8 Posted by Xion on 03:17:2002 09:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by cOdE LL34 ok here is a simple and very effective 4 hit combo., dash,,,snapback. My strat is to kill their key player ie:cable, or sentinel. very good. I don't know what you mean by that, but this is better: jump, airdash d/f +,, c.hp, superjump,, airdash d/f,,, land, snapback or hk throw, dash to them,,, hyper grav., snapback (rollable) There are many variations that include triangle jumping etc. Posted by Dc1 on 03:17:2002 11:07 PM: hi , I was just wondering how to correctly do this magneto infinite rk throw(or psylock assist), c.wk, c.rk, sj. , dash d/b or straight down,sj.wp or wk,orfp(i don't know which one is the best) , land , c.wk, c. rk., sj., repeat, i'm sure people know teh infinite i'm talking about , it look very cool , but it's hard and i could never do it right , so can anyone give me some tips on how to do it correctly Posted by Andjita on 03:18:2002 03:26 AM: hi, i have a question. I was watching a video and i saw Shady_K hit the following combo on Cable: HK throw into corner, dash in, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest. I cant seem to do the combo, because i cant hit the c.jk after the first tempest. Thanks Posted by mixup on 03:18:2002 07:44 AM: Hey guys, i usually use Mag/storm teams but recently i have been trying to use Sent{ground}/Mag{proj}/Cable{aaa}. I put cable on the team for balance against trap teams. Any opinions on the team? Please dont think i am under the impression that i have created this team, i'm just trying to get some feedback on it from people who play it. P.s, When is the right time to "safe tag" off of sent's fk drones?{i'm not very good with sent info yet } Thanks for any help and opinions **Edit** I remember seeing tourney results before with Magneto/Bh/Cyclops, anyone ever use this team? I'd like to hear about the team from anyone with experience using them. {pro's/con's - besides the obvious of all of this meter building for no reason AND having to put bh on point } Posted by GeekBoy on 03:18:2002 07:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Andjita hi, i have a question. I was watching a video and i saw Shady_K hit the following combo on Cable: HK throw into corner, dash in, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest. I cant seem to do the combo, because i cant hit the c.jk after the first tempest. Thanks That doesn't work because you're trying to do 2 OTGs in one combo, you can't. Posted by Gandido on 03:18:2002 11:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy That doesn't work because you're trying to do 2 OTGs in one combo, you can't. Actually, it does, because Mags can hit them in a non-rollable way, making it count as an OTG multiple times. c.wk can hit them as a juggle. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:18:2002 01:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dc1 hi , I was just wondering how to correctly do this magneto infinite rk throw(or psylock assist), c.wk, c.rk, sj. , dash d/b or straight down,sj.wp or wk,orfp(i don't know which one is the best) , land , c.wk, c. rk., sj., repeat, i'm sure people know teh infinite i'm talking about , it look very cool , but it's hard and i could never do it right , so can anyone give me some tips on how to do it correctly This is the easiest way : Vs Cable call psy , , xx sj. dash down (2 times --> i mean press hp + lp 2 times before land ) , land , , xx , repeat. or u can try : call psy , , xx sj. dash down backward (2 times --> i mean press hp + lp 2 times before land ) , land , , xx , repeat. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:18:2002 01:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Andjita hi, i have a question. I was watching a video and i saw Shady_K hit the following combo on Cable: HK throw into corner, dash in, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest. I cant seem to do the combo, because i cant hit the c.jk after the first tempest. Thanks well , u cant because is he rolling out of it or what ? In corner the opponent cant roll , so u are doing something wrong in timing . Just after the tempest end , , xx hyper grav xx Tempest . I dont see the difficulty of that . But if u clarify your problem i may help better. hmmm i think u can if the first isnt otg , and the second is. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:18:2002 01:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup Hey guys, i usually use Mag/storm teams but recently i have been trying to use Sent{ground}/Mag{proj}/Cable{aaa}. I put cable on the team for balance against trap teams. Any opinions on the team? Please dont think i am under the impression that i have created this team, i'm just trying to get some feedback on it from people who play it. P.s, When is the right time to "safe tag" off of sent's fk drones?{i'm not very good with sent info yet } Thanks for any help and opinions **Edit** I remember seeing tourney results before with Magneto/Bh/Cyclops, anyone ever use this team? I'd like to hear about the team from anyone with experience using them. {pro's/con's - besides the obvious of all of this meter building for no reason AND having to put bh on point } I recomend u to use this order : Mag / Cable / Sent And u have to be a good mags players because u dont have a very good anti air to suport . But the team is good . It was used by White Kinght in some tourneys here in PR . And i also used it sometimes. About the Sent safe tag , its throwing hk bombs and hold the fk buttom till the end of screen (or where your opponent is ) and change . The bombs will cover u when u land. And about the Mag / BH / Cyclops team i hadnt see it very often . U should check players profile and pray it there . Then PM the member if he is. Posted by Xion on 03:19:2002 12:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by Andjita hi, i have a question. I was watching a video and i saw Shady_K hit the following combo on Cable: HK throw into corner, dash in, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest, c.jk, xx Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest. I cant seem to do the combo, because i cant hit the c.jk after the first tempest. Thanks Well, what video? I have to see it to believe it. You can't throw, dash in,,, hyper grav. xx tempest, then otg again. Posted by n817azn on 03:19:2002 01:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Xion Well, what video? I have to see it to believe it. You can't throw, dash in,,, hyper grav. xx tempest, then otg again. Actually you can, if you do the first one the right way its not counted as a otg, so you can do another right after it. n8 Posted by Incredible Hulk on 03:19:2002 04:44 PM: I know this has been asked before but here goes anyway... What is the timing of launch,sj hk, ADDF, lk, lk, launch into whatever... I am having the hardest time getting the launch to connect at the end. Which launch should I use? Any help would be appreciated. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:19:2002 07:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Incredible Hulk I know this has been asked before but here goes anyway... What is the timing of launch,sj hk, ADDF, lk, lk, launch into whatever... I am having the hardest time getting the launch to connect at the end. Which launch should I use? Any help would be appreciated. use c.hp to launch , then sj. pressing hk , quick dash down forward , wait a little and while falling lk , mk , land ,etc . Its hard to explain timing but it goes like that . Practice a lot and good luck . Posted by MagRush1 on 03:19:2002 09:16 PM: What do you think of this combo? Launch,/\, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, land, call psylocke AAA, jump up, lk, lk, psylocke hits, land, clk, (if done right, doesnt count as OTG) cRh, hyper grav, launch, (Okay.. make sure your near the corner for the rest of the combo) /\, Throw with HP into corner, d+lk and lk before landing, land, call psylocke, jump back up, d+ lk, lk, psylocke hits, land, launch, air combo. I think this is how it was done... it was 100% on both my mags and Cable. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:20:2002 04:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagRush1 What do you think of this combo? Launch,/\, Rh, dash d/f, d+lk, lk, land, call psylocke AAA, jump up, lk, lk, psylocke hits, land, clk, (if done right, doesnt count as OTG) cRh, hyper grav, launch, (Okay.. make sure your near the corner for the rest of the combo) /\, Throw with HP into corner, d+lk and lk before landing, land, call psylocke, jump back up, d+ lk, lk, psylocke hits, land, launch, air combo. I think this is how it was done... it was 100% on both my mags and Cable. yup , its a nice combo , very useful in real matches . The hp throw in corner is deadly always . U can : 1.after hp thrown : lk , lk , land , call psy , lk , lk , tempest xx Storm Hyper Combo ( if u are with msp ) . 2.Start Jap Inf. , end with psy assist , tempest . Posted by Azn Strider on 03:20:2002 05:18 AM: hey ppl i'm having some trouble with mags' crouch cancel i can get his basic one into an air combo but this is what i'm trying to do lk,lk,psy,lk, (otg), XX, ad df..... i always miss the 2nd hk in this combo any tips? thanx... Posted by n817azn on 03:20:2002 07:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Incredible Hulk I know this has been asked before but here goes anyway... What is the timing of launch,sj hk, ADDF, lk, lk, launch into whatever... I am having the hardest time getting the launch to connect at the end. Which launch should I use? Any help would be appreciated. actually you could use either launch, but the roundhouse is easier to pull off. If you want to land and do the c.fp launch the timing can be a little trickier. After you ad df, when you hit the lk, mk do them slower, as slow as possible. What this does is allow you to keep your opponet in stun long enough, and also brings them closer to the ground so that when you hit the ground you can still re-launch them. Most peeps have the problem of not being able to re-launch them simply becuz they do it too fast. n8 Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:20:2002 05:00 PM: MagStormIronMan Definition of Magneto fast ass bastard who can beat any char and any team without a assit. Add a assist and he becomes the greatest fighter on planet Marvel World. N E Wayz Combos with and w/o assist Corner: Magneto Launch, sj.FK AD d/f, sj.LK, sj.LK Launch sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP,FK Throw, sj.LK, sj.LK AD u/f sj.LP,sj.LK, sj.LP (pause slightly) sj.LK FP Throw, Land Launch (feel free to whoop that ass) Do what ever Hyper Grav tempest combo, Us assist to do something air combo just make sure it kills Corner: Magneto Launch, sj,FK AD d/f sj.FP, sj.FK land c.LP, j.LP,j.LK, j.FP, j.FK land jump FK throw. j.LK, j.LK FP Throw (PRoceed to whoop dat ass) Corner: Magneto Launch, sj.FK AD d/f sj.LK ,sj,LK land infinite when u get bored or b4 they spin out dizzy in infinite while sj.LK , sj.LK AD d/f FK throw sj.LK, sj.LK land start over again, or another way to get the throw reset when AD d/f sj.d+lk (quickly) jump FK Throw infine or proceed with any combo's i stated earlier. misc. combos Magneto/Cammy(AAA) Launch sj.FK AD d/f sj.LK, sj.LK cammy(assist) s.FKXXHyper Grav Launch Basic air combo or in corner FP (or FK to combo to FP Throw) Land Kill them Magneto/Cammy(AAA) c.LK,c.HKXX sj. AD d/f(to other side)+FK land c.FK hyper grav cammy(assist)+FKXX hypergrav launch sj.FK AD d/f blah blah if in corner u know what u can do Magneto/Cammy(AAA) c.LK,c.HK+cammy If u want to make people say wtf Magneto/SabreTooth(proj) Launch sj.FK AD d/f sj.LK, sj.LK Land (assist)+FK Shockwave they will bounce off bullets proceed to do a air combo. I Think THis is enough for now. Also are we only talking about magneto or can i say how his assist works with others Oh yeah i dont know if anyone has tried this cuz i havent had a chance to do it but if u try to guard break with sj.LK and they push block cant u AD d/f and FK throw them. And can anybody explain the guardbreak with the Hyper Grav and then tempest connects Posted by Unreallystic on 03:21:2002 07:40 PM: I watched some jap footage and noticed a guard break with MAgs...or I think it is a guard break, and I have been trying to figure it out. I don't know any guard breaks with mags, outside of AAA assist into *any* combo of choice. But in the video it looked like he jumped up hitting roundhouse, then triangled down hitting roundhouse again. I have tried tons of times against the computer, but it never works. Am I doing it wrong, or is there a better guard break with magneto that does not involve assist? Thanx. Posted by n817azn on 03:21:2002 11:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by Unreallystic I watched some jap footage and noticed a guard break with MAgs...or I think it is a guard break, and I have been trying to figure it out. I don't know any guard breaks with mags, outside of AAA assist into *any* combo of choice. But in the video it looked like he jumped up hitting roundhouse, then triangled down hitting roundhouse again. I have tried tons of times against the computer, but it never works. Am I doing it wrong, or is there a better guard break with magneto that does not involve assist? Thanx. No, that is correct you can guard break like that. You do it like this ok. sj.rh, ad df, lk, mk, land, launch. I think the easiest one however is sj. lk, ad df, lk, mk, land, launch. Starting off with the lk gives you more time to do the air dash part. Just remember that it must be a super jump lk(or rh)cancelled into the dash down........... hope this helps. n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 03:21:2002 11:28 PM: Magneto can guard break into everything, including throws, BTW. Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:22:2002 12:21 AM: Re: MagStormIronMan quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan . And can anybody explain the guardbreak with the Hyper Grav and then tempest connects hmm i dont know exactly how its because i dont u se it . But maybe its something like this : sj.hp , dash forward , hyper grav xx tempest it have to be sj because u cannot do more than 2 moves in a normal jump . So it have to be something like that . try it . ps.Mags cannot beat all char Posted by Unreallystic on 03:22:2002 01:14 AM: IAght, I'll try out the guardbreak. As for the magnetic tempest guard break I know one way to do it, but not sure on how accurate. You have to tyme it right...the earliest you can get a hyper grav out. PRactice that. Then do a hyper grav, and the second they block it cancel into tempest. I saw *I think* ShadyK do that in a video...because of the delay with the tempest, they hit *hit* range as soon as the shards actually start coming out. Takes some timing practice though (unless you already have it done). All times are GMT. The time now is 11:54 PM. Show all 99 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.